The final sermon in a series on The Lord’s Prayer
The fifth sermon in a series on The Lord’s Prayer
The fourth sermon in a series on The Lord’s Prayer
The third sermon in a series on The Lord’s Prayer
The second sermon in a series on The Lord’s Prayer
The first sermon in a series on The Lord’s Prayer
A sermon by Pastor Corinne titled “Kiss”
The final message in the sermon series “We Can Thrive in 2025”
The fourth message in the sermon series “We Can Thrive in 2025”
The third message in the sermon series “We Can Thrive in 2025”
The second message in the sermon series “We Can Thrive in 2025”
The first message in the sermon series “We Can Thrive in 2025”
A message on Sabbath
The fourth Sunday of Advent
The third Sunday of Advent
The second Sunday of Advent
The first Sunday of Advent
The second message in a sermon series on Sabbath
The first message in a sermon series on Sabbath
A message on the fruits of the spirit and being a good advertisement for Christ
A service featuring a message from guest preacher Rev. Dave Ellis
A service featuring a message from Pastor Corinne on Psalm 139
A service featuring a message from Pastor Corinne on Psalm 139
A service highlighting Agape House and Operation Christmas Child
A special worship service for World Communion Sunday
A special worship service focused on scripture and worship music.
4th sermon in the series "Being the Light and Love of Jesus in a Dark and Angry World"
4th sermon in the series "Being the Light and Love of Jesus in a Dark and Angry World"
3rd sermon in the series "Being the Light and Love of Jesus in a Dark and Angry World"
1st sermon in the series "Being the Light and Love of Jesus in a Dark and Angry World"